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The Programm of course "Management accounting"
(46 hours)
Introduction into the management accounting
Kinds of studies: lectures, a round-table discussion "Application of the management accounting to the Russian enterprises."
Management accounting, its origin and basic progress trends. Comparison of the financial and management accounting. The purposes of firm and information necessary for realization of the various purposes. Systems of the management accounting and calculation of expenditures. A place of the management accounting in structure of operation of business. Structure of economic service at the enterprises of foreign countries in comparison with the Russian enterprises.
Kinds of the information used in the management accounting
Kinds of studies: lectures, "Money flow calculation" training, analysis of a situation "How to provide classification of the costs at the enterprises: accounting and management approaches".
The cost classification by the varius bases for the management, financial and tax accounting. The cost classification used at the foreign enterprises. Account and management information about the costs and costprice. Information about money flow. Receipts and payments, clear currency flow in comparison with avails, cost and profit. Operational, financial and investment money flow.
Cost calculation
Kinds of studies: lectures, "Application of electronic worksheet in the management accounting "(computer laboratory); analysis of a situation" Cost calculation at the enterprises under assortment instability conditions and production volume fluctuations"
Full costs calculation system. Purpuses of different costs calculation. Material costs calculation. Rating of purchased material resources under price differentiation. Relevant material and labor inputs. Wear and tear, amortization. Amortization calculation and management decision-making. Amortization and price decision-making.
Inderect costs calculation. Distribution of subdivision costs and general burden. Inderect costs and decision-making. Cost calculation ways.
Operation calculation. Operation as a resource consumer. Cost drivers and their comparison with the cost distribution bases. Industrial process division into operations and drivers choice. Stability of distribution of the indirect costs at operations calculation. Management on operations in comparison with management on subdividings.
System of factor costs calculation. Deposit. Decision-making about output of products. Interdependence between price, yield and deposit. Short-term decosion-makings about price on the bases of the factor cost information.
Cost analyses for management decisions. Kinds of studies: lectures, short-term decisions training on the bases of the management accounting data; " Pricing problems at the enterprises" (seminar), presentation of a computer program for the management accounting, financial management; "Financial and investment functions of Excel" (computer class).
Input, volumes of sales and profit analyses. Account of break-even volume of production, break-even proceeds, break-even price, and also yield and price volume, sufficient for deriving the target profit. A threshold of safety. The analysis of multigrocery production make-out. The costs and short-term solutions of nonprice character. A role of the costs at the analysis of an assortment. Expediency of production (sale) of an additional consignment of production. Expediency of own production of raw material, materials and furnishing items. Solutions about replacement of permanent assets: time of replacement, lease or purchase, definition of permanent assets durability.
Choice of an optimum ratio of made products if there is the limited resources ("weak places"). Definition of optimum stockpile. A decision making of long-term character. Value of money in time. Criterion of acceptance of long-term solutions: pure today's value, payback period, internal yield norm. Management of investment money streams.
Budgeting and cost control.
Kinds of studies: lecture, analyses of a situation " Bugeting of service industries enterprises", analyses of the situation "Bugeting and calculating of plant facilities. Reorganisation of econimic, accouning and financial services of an enterprises." Development and application of the flexible and sliding budgets " (practicum).
Aims of bugeting. Buget management at the enterprises. The operational budgets: the budget of sales; the budgets of production, resources, stocks and costs; the budgets of the overhead expences. The financial budgets: the budget of money streams, budget of the profit and losses, budget of the balance report. The investment budgets. The flexible and sliding budgets.
The accounting on centres of the responsibility. Monitoring systems of the costs. Use of cost monitoring for an estimation of efficiency of activity of the enterprise and its structural subdividings. Financial and qualitative criteria of an estimation of activity of subdivisions.
Estimation of efficiency of enterprise activity and separate subdivisions on several parameters (balanced scorecards). Experience of application of efficiency balanced estimation at the foreign enterprises.
Transfer (intercompany) pricing
Kinds of studies: lecture, analyses of a situation "Strategic management and management accounting".
Accordance of the management accounting to requests of work in competition. Strategic planning and internal information system of the enterprise. The management accounting of market system. The analysis of behaviour of the suppliers and buyers within the framework of the management accounting
Management accounting and management of complex quality.
Modern understanding of quality. The complaints of the consumer: mushroom model.The general concept of management of complex quality. Elements of strategy of management of complex quality. Concentration on the consumer. Concentration on processes. Tools of monitoring by quality. Strategy of following to samples (Benchmarking). Dataware of quality management.
Distributing materials include: a lectures' text, a book of problems, slides collection, a list of literature, business situations descriptions.
All students are provided with the complet set of literature: *
Druri K. Introduction to the production and management accounting. M., 1998. *
Horngren C.T. , Forster G. Business accounting: a management aspect. M., 1995. *
English-Russian Dictionary of Economic and Finance. Edited by Anikin A.V. SPb., 1995. *
Financiak-economic functions of Excel. M., 1998.




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